Services tailored to you

At “Thinkbig ltd” our aim is to provide through good communication and a personal touch, a totally professional solution to your data-based problems, speedily, and at reasonable cost. We operate an independent consultancy which we feel sure you will find approachable, helpful and well-informed.

We provide a flexible approach aiming at satisfying our clients’ specific needs. We care about their businesses and are happy to work with large and small projects. We offer flexibility and can adapt our methods of working to suit your requirements.

We offer a wide range of statistical services (more details below);  they have as a common element the challenge of becoming involved in data exploration and investigation in new environments and contexts.


Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis refers to the tools and techniques which bring meaning to data, drawing out insights, solutions and evidence. The level of analysis required will vary by study type and objective but can range from simple summary statistics to formal statistical analysis. Whatever your need, “Thinkbig ltd” can help you decide what is best for you and your data!

Statistical Modeling

A statistical model is a simulation which attempts to explain how your results came to be. Modeling allows you to understand why you got the results that you did and what factors drove them, but it also allows you to predict what could happen in the future or what could happen under different circumstances; a powerful tool capable of giving incredible insights!

Data collection & Surveys

Your results are only as good as the data from which it is generated. Poor survey design or data collection can significantly impact the robustness and validity of a study. We offer a variety of services to make sure that you pick the right survey, for the right questions to get the best results.

Report writing & Editorial services

Even the best statistical results will not get the credit or attention they deserve unless communicated in an effective manner. Our consultants have years of editorial experience backed up by multiple international publications in a variety of fields. As a result we can offer a wide range of very competitive and bespoke editorial services to suit your needs.



Plan Research Strategies

Our research consultants design research strategies to fulfill the needs of specific research projects. This includes estimating the amount of time it will take to complete research and creating a basic plan of action for finding the necessary data.

Find and Collect Data

Our research consultants implement research plans to find and collect data. This may include studying reports, using online sources, taking phone surveys, and using a variety of other data-collection methods.

Interpret and Analyze Data

Our research consultants interpret and analyze research data, mining it for relevant information.

Write Research Reports

Our research consultants write research reports highlighting and summarizing essential information found through their data analysis.

Verify Data

Our research consultants verify their findings by assigning investigative teams to double-check data by going out into the field to physically track down information.

Present Research

Our research consultants present their findings verbally to summarize essential information learned through data collection and analysis.


Many projects are data rich and analyzing it effectively is crucial to ensure validity. We can provide advice, guidance and constructive comments on any aspect of a project, from design to data collection to statistical analyses. Involve us early and we can help you get the most from your data!

Academic Consulting

All of the “Thinkbig ltd” team has academic backgrounds and many of our consultants still teach at various Universities or have PhD students. We understand only too well the pressures on candidates and therefore have special academic-only packages suitable to those undertaking higher studies.

Our Guarantee

Your satisfaction is of paramount importance to us and we will ensure that your trust in our services is not misplaced.

We like to be consulted at the start of projects so that we can advise on aspects of design and data collection; however, as is the nature of the real world, we have in the past been brought into some projects at a much later stage, even when the data has already been collected and sometimes partially analyzed .

We are skilled with numerous modeling approaches and analytical tools, including but not limited to the following:

  • Various forms of regression analysis, including non-linear regression and ridge regression
  • Difference in differences analysis
  • Time series analysis, including vector auto regression (VAR), vector error-correction models (VECM), and GARCH and its variants (NGARCH, EGARCH, etc.)
  • Panel analysis
  • Regression discontinuity analysis
  • Fuzzy regression discontinuity analysis
  • Bayesian statistics
  • Trend analysis
  • Survey development and reliability/validity testing of existing surveys
  • Statistical power analysis for sample size determination
  • Multivariate analysis (with multiple outcome variables), such as MANOVA and MANCOVA.
  • SWOT analysis
  • Optimization methods such as linear and nonlinear programming, genetic search, and simulated annealing
  • Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and similar methods

We use statistical software packages, including  R, Matlab, SAS, Stata, SPSS, Maple etc

On our own way, it’s possible: Our Commitment to You

At Precision, our motto is “on our own way, it’s possible”. We can perform any statistical test, predictive analysis, or simulation, regardless of the complexity, regardless of whether you currently have the data, and are not ever deterred by the complex, high-dimensional analytic tasks that conventional methods are ill-suited to address.


Our usual policy is to charge for the number of hours spent on each project. Alternatively, if preferred, a fixed rate for the entire project can be agreed.

Our rates are:

For Statistical or Research consultancy

– Non-commercial  – £10 (or 10000Rwf) per hour
– Commercial  – £20(or 20000Rwf) per hour


Here we have sample of research that we have done; if you need to conduct the related research, you are well come; we are here for you.






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